money earnin..
...we got to NY about 4am. Drove around for 2 hours trying to find various relatives place of residence. Dropped Shines off in Manhatan. Took Libretto to the Bronx. Me Jumbo headed to Mt. Vernon. Got to bed about 6am after driving from Boston. Slept til about 12noon. Got up and made a mad dash for Fordham Road in the Bronx. That's my spot! My mans put me up on it back in the day. So whenever we get to NY, that's a must do. Fordham Road. Whatever u lookin for, u can find it if u spend sum time. This record, we wanted to let people in a little more. So brace urself... Me and Jumbo are clothes fanatics! Yep! I said it. We always have been though. Thing is we only really get down and dirty about 3 or 4 times a year. Wich just so happens to be the amount of times we wind up perfomin in NY. U know? We save up, cash bottles, slang joints to Buffalo Exchange and all that to get ready for our semi-annual splurge fests out east. We grew up in that Slick Rick era when it wasn't a bad thing to stretch out every now and then. Hey! Loosen up! U gotta allow us at least one vice. Some people smoke, drink, snort, sniff etc. We splurge. What? 1st day is Fordham. 2nd day is 125th in Harlem. We also had to hit Canal St. Put it like this, we went so bizerk u almost can't sit down in the van. Haha!!! We did it big but we came to NY with one MAIN objective in mind, RIPPIN IN BROOKLYN!!! And it all came together. Ladies and gentlemen! Appearing with Lifesavas tonight for a one time only performance. Playing lead guitar! Give it up for VERNON REID!!!! That's right from the legendary rock group Living Colour, the lead guitar player Vernon Reid drove out to Brooklyn to play with Lifesavas at the South Paw! He was so mellow and down to earth it was unreal! He wasn't trippin on nuthin. He was just loungin and kickin it with us as though we had known each other for years. It was one of the true highlights of my carreer. That might have been the biggest moment I've ever had doing this music thing. To be honored with the talents of some one of his stature. That was a blessing! Give Thanks. Needless to say the crowd went WILD jus like we did when Vernon began his solo. The energy in the room just exploded. Pure Natural High. There's nothin like that. I'll never forget that night!
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