Sunday, March 12, 2006

Aspen, CO

...last night we were in Aspen, CO. In walks DeRay Davis. He\'s the voice ofthe interludes on Kanye West record and he is also the cat in"Barbershop" who comes in tryin\' to sell various things to the people in the Barbershop. He was there to check out the show, but woundup hosting he show. Also in attendance was Joe Clair, comedian and former Host of BET's RapCity. He's also a closet "MC", for those of you who never watched RapCity when it was dope. Haha! Am I sayin it's wack now? YES!!! Yeah, I said it! Aight, don't get started Vurs.DeRay was hosting, and of course before he introduced us he had to gethis freestyle on. Haha! And that opened the stage for Joe Clair to dropa few lines. Well, several lines. Thay weren't bad. But I can\'t help butwonder what would happen if 33333I popped up at one of their Stand-Upconcerts and just hopped up right before they were about to go on andburst an imprompto stand-up routine. Haha!!! Underground MC turnComedian, one night only. :) Picture that. Don\'t sweat it, that\'ll neverhappen.They weren\'t bad though. I had heard them both before.Finally, he gave us love and introduced us. It was a dope night. Aspencrowds are typically party crowds, and this crowd was no exception. SOLDOUT!!! That made the 3rd SOLD OUT show in a row! Yeah! Lovin\' That!Aspen is an ill town. It\'s on some High Society type vibe. Louis Vutton,Gucci, Prada, Polo etc. Nothin but Mink Coats and Old Money. I fit rightin. :) Actually, we\'re always the Misfits, but that\'s never moreapparent than bein in Aspen. Wherever we go we \'hush the crowd\'.SILENCE! Funny how u can make people uncomfortable in their own town.That is until after u perform. Then the very people who were lockingtheir car doors, and clutching their hand bags when u walked by earlierin the day, are running up and giving u hugs. Ahhh, Music, it\'s abeautiful thing. I love it, I just wish we could feel that muchtogetherness before the song and dance. Feel me?We had a blast when it was all said and done. Big Ups to the cats fromAkomplice Clothing who hooked us. Good lookin.We\'ll be back!Be Well,


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